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How to plan your book success with your heart. // Audiobook

How to plan your book success with your heart. // Audiobook


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Success is not a coincidence! You can plan it.

Do you lack the time to realize your dream of writing? I'll tell you a secret right now: you don't lack it. It's there. And it's in your power to find it, take it and use it to live your dream.

In this book, I share with you my personal planning method that has allowed me to publish over twenty bestsellers in four years. Together, we'll find out where you can find time and how you can best use it to achieve your goals - or rather, to live your goals every day.

Planning allows you to live a fulfilling and happy life as an author – even before you reach the first milestone.

We explore these four areas:

  • Why planning is so important for a successful writing career.
  • Which aspects of your life as an author you can plan.
  • How to plan your life as an author.
  • How to grow through reflection.

And most importantly:

How to live a life as an author that feels unimaginably good because it fulfills you from the ground up when you follow the goals of your heart.



ANDREA WILK / co autorenglück
Frans-Mehring-Straße 15
01237 Dresden

E-Mail: produktsicherheit[at]

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Andrea Kuhn


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