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LIVIA. What my heart beats for. // eBook

LIVIA. What my heart beats for. // eBook

von adwilk

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LIVIA. What my heart beats for is a moving story about the challenges of life, the power of love and the courage to believe in yourself. A novel that shows that it is never too late to rediscover your dreams and take control of your life.

That's what it's about.

It's been three years. Three damn years. Everything has changed, but for Livia, life in Berlin has come to a standstill. Dancing was all she ever wanted. She never dreamed of anything else. Now she doesn't dare dream anymore. Because what if the next dream also falls apart? To distract herself and somehow make progress, Livia decides to accept an offer and go to London.

When she meets Luke at her farewell party, who is moving from London to Berlin at this very moment, she regrets her decision for a moment, but after spending the night together she gets on the plane that is supposed to take her to a new life. But in London, life challenges her in a completely different way. And she can't get Luke out of her head either.


Shattered Dream // Love at First Sight // London - Berlin // He Falls First

Related novel

Seventeen years. Without me. With you.

You may know Livia from my novel "Seventeen Years. Without Me. With You." It is not necessary that you have read SJOMMD. Both books can be read independently, but together they allow you to delve even deeper into the world of the characters. 



ANDREA WILK / co autorenglück
Frans-Mehring-Straße 15
01237 Dresden

E-Mail: produktsicherheit[at]

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Livia - Und der Kampf um das eigene Ich

Eine Geschichte über das eigene Leben, über das Verzweifeln und den Glauben an sich selbst.

Es fällt mir auf, dass die neuen Storys von A.D. Wilk (endlich) ortsgebunden sind. Man kann sich in den Straßen Berlins und Londons wiederfinden. Das gibt der Geschichte eine Tiefe, die in den (angedeuteten) Orten der vorherigen Stories etwas verloren ging, da das Kopfkino nicht funktionierte. Und wie in fast jeder Story ist etwas Sozialkritik pointiert platziert. Mir persönlich fehlt in diesem Roman allerdings etwas Tiefe und “Schreibleidenschaft“, die die letzten Bücher zu einem besonderen Leseabenteuer gemacht haben.